I have been experiencing A LOT of changes in my life for the past 3-4 years and there is an important lesson I wanted to share with you, in hopes it will help you out a bit.

There are so many challenges and hurdles that come our way on a daily basis. Tied with these challenges are STRESSES. I’m not sure about you, but if I am stressed out, everything seems to be a little off. Sometimes my attitude is off and I have to “check” myself to make certain it is NOT affecting my day or the people around me. Stress can lead to a multitude of problems if not addressed appropriately.

How do YOU deal with stress?

Now, I will say, that I CAN perform (sometimes even better) under stressful situations and achieve the desired results. But that is NOT to say there are some consequences that come along with that and some even take a toll.

This is where I want to focus in on. When stress takes a toll on you, how are you reacting to it? Are you acting as if nothing is wrong? Are you falling behind on your work? Do you have coping mechanisms? Do you become more aggressive towards others?

It is our duty to be aware of our feelings and actions at ALL times. Everyday we have to evaluate ourselves to make certain that STRESS is not controlling our day.


Well, stress can lead to us hurting our loved ones or getting into arguments we wouldn’t normally get into. Little things bother us and sometimes we take things out on people/things who do NOT deserve it. Disputes that would normally be small have escalated into HUGE issues. Your problems seem to be magnified when you are stressed out.

That is why it is SOOOOOOOOO important we “CHECK” ourselves before we ACT on things.

The feeling of regret or remorse we get for acting “out of line” due to stress JUST isn’t worth it! We are adults and I do realize sometimes the situation can get the BEST of us, but it is imperative we limit these “situations” to a minimum.

That being said, life IN GENERAL can be stressful, but to be worried is to have no faith that things will not pan out in your favor. Things happen for a reason and I think it is a GREAT challenge to us ALL that we be careful in our interactions with people during these stressful times.

Check the STRESS! Don’t let it RUN your day!

To Your Massive Success,


PS. Keep on the look out for “teasers” of The Motivation Files coming around soon! The project WILL be released this Fall and you will be one of the FIRST to be informed, so STAY TUNED! This is going to be EXCITING!!!