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Everyone is Battling Something 

I believe it is fair to say that EVERYONE is battling something. To some degree, we are ALL facing our very own “Goliath”. However, there seems to be a level of carelessness when it comes to handling the “battles” everyone else is facing.

Are we truly being empathetic towards others?

Lets face it, we are ALL consumed with our own lives and ALL of the complexities it entails. There are so many things going on at once, it is very hard to genuinely invest our time/emotions into other things. I am not sure if…

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Look At What You Produced! 

“Will you look at that. Take a look at it. Just look at it…that’s all you can do, is just look at it” – Ed Bassmaster (comedian) One of my favorite skits, “look at this car” by Ed; absolutely hilarious! It’s a 5 year old video, but with over 26 million views, I’m sure you’ll get a laugh (even if you saw it already). If you have the time to squeeze in a good laugh, jump on YouTube and look this guy up; he is pure entertainment!

Anyway, this little catch phrase, “just look at it” went viral and I thought of…

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A College Degree, A Porsche & A Vacation 

Sounds like a dream life, doesn’t it? Well it is…but it is also possible…

My friend was able to attain his bachelors degree, purchase a Porsche, and take multiple vacations within ONE YEAR! Do I have your attention? Even just a little bit? If you want to hear a snippet of his story, check out Episode 6 of the Rotated Views Podcast RIGHT HERE. I do not want to make my friends story sound like an overnight success. There were YEARS put into attaining his dreams and you can learn more about them in the…

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When I hear about someone’s “view” I immediately think of someone standing on a balcony of their hotel room, arms stretched (metaphorically hugging the sky) overlooking a beach town. I think about all of the things they could see and absorb into their memory. I think about the fresh air they are breathing in and the ocean aroma blazing their sense of smell. I think of the sounds of nearby traffic, restaurant music and ocean waves clashing onto shore. I guess you can say, this view was a symbolic feeling of…

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The Process 

There is something special about “the process” of attaining goals that we must not overlook. It is a very important aspect of life we should reflect on daily. The process reveals so many insights about ourselves and generates information we can build on.

We should ALL have in place little indicators or triggers that remind us to STOP and take in the process. Sometimes we are so busy with life that we tend to slip up the details, rush through the little things and ultimately miss out on critical information.

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